Are you happy with your WHY?

Are you happy with your WHY?

Reflecting on recent coaching sessions, I noticed a common struggle among clients

– the pursuit of purpose, motivation, and happiness.

It’s a universal quest akin to the challenges we face in sports.

Imagine a tough Saturday evening game that extends into overtime, leaving you physically drained and sleep-deprived.

The aftermath can either render you cranky and fatigued or surprisingly content.

We often lose sight of the bigger picture.

Consider this: with 7.7 billion people on Earth, where do you rank in terms of success and happiness?

Let’s look at some eye-opening stats:

  • 785 million lack access to water
  • 820 million suffer from hunger
  • 40.5 million are still enslaved
  • 60% lack a flushing toilet
  • 3 billion lack internet access

Now, consider global average annual salaries: USA ($20k), Russia ($5.5k), India ($1.6k), and Malawi ($1.1k).

Perspective, right?

So, is it really that bad to wake up tired to your kids?

Was that argument with your spouse worth the energy?

Many chase unnecessary things and seek motivation externally.

Instead, look inward – the answers, your WHYs, and even happiness are closer than you think.

You don’t need to open your eyes; it’s enough to open your heart.

That’s when any game or season can be won 🙂


You’re smashing through doubts and that “I’m not good enough” nonsense.
How are you playing your game?